In my search, I've come across some stinkers and some really adorable houses. One of the stinkers is what I call the Highlighter House. I have this deep disgust for yellow highlighter. Not sure why. Maybe it was all the highlighting I did in college, or that the bright yellow makes my eyes hurt. At any rate, I throw away the yellow highlighters whenever I buy a new pack, and at work I use green or orange to highlight stuff in Word or Excel. So this house on the outside was cute, nothing to sneeze at. The kitchen, however... all the cabinetry was painted highlighter yellow. Maybe this is shallow of me, to write off a house for something that's easily fixable, but I stopped looking at that point. But that's okay, I wasn't in love with the house anyway.
I did come across two houses, both of which I'm going to see on Sunday. They're very similar in style, with a cute little front porch. They're both 3 bed/2 bath with a backyard on the smallish side. They both have hardwood floors and an upgraded kitchen. I'm kind of in love with one of them already, just based on the photos. I'm hoping to take a bunch of photos on Sunday!
I'm also hoping to use this blog to document my search for the perfect house and any/all upgrades or updates I do to it once I've found the perfect one. Also of being a first time homeowner.